Fabulous Angela's Wiki
Heart's Medicine Time to Heal Pharmacy

This is the 2nd episode of Heart's Medicine: Time to Heal.

Level 11

  • Meet Ruth Phelps, the head of Pharmacy.
  • Ruth: I must be losing my mind...
  • Allison arrives at the Pharmacy.
  • Allison: Hey Ruth...
  • Ruth and Allison walk to greet.
  • Ruth: I'm so happy you're here.
  • Ruth: This new pharmacy is great, but I really need to check our orders, because things keep going wro...
  • The Patient: I need methyl-pre-pred-predniso-niso...
  • Ruth gets something for the patient.
  • Ruth: Methylprednisolone, here you go.
  • Allison: What if I deal with the patients and you just go through all the orders without being bothered.
  • Ruth: Amazing, Allison! You're going to earn that 'A' I was going to give you anyway...
  • Ruth goes to find through the boxes, letting Allison go, while Ruth leaves.


  • Ruth returns to the Pharmacy, checking.
  • Allison: And?
  • Ruth: It's a complete mess, several things haven't been ordered...
  • Ruth: ...and we have a huge stock of amphetamines arriving.
  • Ruth: Daniel is really mucking things up...
  • Ruth: I'll give that boy a piece of my mind!
  • Allison: Go easy on him Ruth, he's got this entire hospital to run now on top of the renovation.
  • Allison: He looks pretty stressed as it is.
  • Ruth: I make no promises, but for you I'll try.

Level 12

  • In the Pharmacy, Daniel picking things up, buy Ruth sees him. Allison and Ruth went back to the Pharmacy.
  • Ruth: Are you here to mess things up some more?
  • Daniel: No... I mean... Sorry, what? i was just looking for something for my headache...
  • Ruth went to the drawers to find something.
  • Allison walks when Ruth saying.
  • Ruth: You know what gives me a headache?
  • Ruth: When my stock doesn't add up, because someone's not handling the orders properly.
  • Daniel: I've already fixed some of the problems... But not all, I'm afraid...
  • Daniel: Today several boxes will arrive with some of our missing medicine.
  • Daniel: It's just this renovation's taking more of a toll than I thought it would.
  • Allison walks to Daniel.
  • Allison: I'm sure it's going to be okay.
  • Daniels leaves the Pharmacy.
  • Ruth: What? i tried, didn't I?
  • Ruth leaves the Pharmacy, letting Allison go.


  • Ruth returns to the Pharmacy, seeing the package boxes delivered, searching through. The postman walking to see Ruth's package boxes.
  • Postman: I've also got a letter for you from...
  • Ruth: I know where it's from!
  • Allison and Ruth wondering around.
  • Allison: Is everything, alright?
  • Ruth: It really looks like a lot of the things we we're missing are here!
  • Ruth: Now we just need to go through it all and tally it.
  • Allison: You want to make a night out of it?
  • Ruth: GIRLS' NIGHT! Definitely!
  • Later on, Ruth and Allison went all the boxes, seeing lots of mess.
  • Ruth: I was meaning to ask you...
  • Ruth: I can see something is happening with you and Daniel.
  • Allison: I have no clue what you're talking about.
  • Ruth: But what ever happened to you and Connor?
  • Allison: Well... I don't think that's going to become a thing, since he's now hooking up with Jenny.