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This is the third episode of Emily's True Love. After Emily decided to go to Train Station, she goes into the train instead of a plane.

Chapter 1: The Mix Up

  • Emily enters the train. The ride starts.
  • Emily: So exciting! Paris by train!
  • Emily: My, what a lovely dining car you have here!
  • Fresco: I knew it! The health inspector! Please, don't close me down!
  • Fresco: Please! Come back abother time! I have five children to feed! FIVE!
  • Emily: Er... I'm not an inspector, I just wanted a snack.
  • Fresco: Oh, in that case we're closed.
  • Fresco: My entire staff quit. They said working with me was like being on an 'emotional rollercoaster.'
  • Fresco: Because of that, chores have just been pilling up.
  • Emily: I can help you clean up the restaurant to impress that health inspector.
  • Emily: I'm pretty good of this. Let me see what I can do.
  • Fresco: Great, then I can finally take a day off to order more ingredients!
  • Fresco leaves the diner.

During the day

  • Emily has to clean up the restaurant.


  • Fresco enters the diner.
  • Fresco: Wow, you really are good at this!
  • Emily: Always happy to help a fellow restaurateur.
  • Fresco: Muchas gracias! My name is Fresco.
  • Emily: Nice to meet you Fresco, I'm Emily.
  • Fresco: Emily, I wish I has six more just like you! That health inspector, he's gonna be here soon, I know it.
  • Emily: Well, I'm here until Paris and I'll be glad to lend a hand until then.
  • Emily: I'm going to find my sleeping car. Goodnight!
  • Emily goes to the sleeping car.
  • At night, there was a critic in the car.
  • Emily: YOU!
  • Philippe: I see you've come for that kiss after all.
  • Emily: What are you doing here?
  • Philippe: I should ask you the same thing.
  • Emily: But... I booked this car! Here, my ticket's in my suitcase. I show you.
  • Emily gets a ticket.
  • Emily: Uhm... this isn't my suitcase...
  • Philippe: I'm sure the conductor can sort things out for us in the morning. Goodnight!
  • Philippe, the food critic, goes to sleep.
  • Emily: Great. I guess I'll just sleep on that trunk, then.

Day 2

  • Emily reads: Do you remember? How on a horse made crimson by the colors of the sunset, we made one rider?
  • Emily dreams about a horse with Jean Paul.
  • Philippe enters the diner.
  • Philippe: Good morning. Sleep well?
  • Emily: The trunk is lumpy and you snore.
  • Philippe: The bed is quite comfortable... if you join me I assure you there'd be less snoring... or sleeping.
  • Emily: I'd rather sleep in the luggage compartment.
  • Philippe: Perhaps that can be arranged...
  • Philippe: ... the conductor is looking for you, something about 'validating your ticket'.
  • Fresco enters the diner.
  • Philippe: Also, your friend Carlos called. Your suitcase got mixed up with that of someone else. Yours will be waiting for you in Paris.
  • Philippe: Hmm... not bad. A little bitter perhaps.
  • Fresco is now the cleaner.


  • Fresco leaves the diner.
  • The conductor is looking at Emily.
  • Conductor: There you are. You must be Emily. I'm afraid I need to see your ticket.
  • Emily: I left it behind in my suitcase. It'll be waiting for me in Paris! I can show it to you then.
  • Conductor: Then I'm sorry, but you must buy a ticket or exit the train first thing in the morning.
  • Emily: Great. I can't afford another ticket. Guess I'm off the train tomorrow.
  • Emily goes to a car.
  • Philippe: Hello. I fear we 'got off on the wrong foot'. I thought we'd start now.
  • Emily: That's er... very sweet of you Philippe, but I'm exhausted. I better get some sleep.
  • Philippe: Perhaps a 'goodnight kiss', then?
  • Emily: In your dreams.
  • Philippe hops on the bed.
  • Philippe: See you in my dreams, then.
  • Emily goes to sleep on the luggage. Good night, Emily and Philippe!

Chapter 2: 'Just' Dinner

Day 3

  • Emily reads: And I felt that if I asked it sweetly enough, it would take us to our private world.
  • Emily dreams about a picnic in Jean Paul.
  • Emily: Hi, I can't buy a new ticket, so I guess I'll deport now.
  • Conductor: No need! Your ticket has been taken care of.
  • Emily was so scared. The Conductor leaves the diner.
  • Fresco enters the place, giving Emily a hug.
  • Emily: Thank you SO much, Fresco!
  • Fresco: Er... You're welcome!
  • Philippe: Did you know you're an amazing kisser?
  • Emily: What are you talking about?!
  • Philippe: Oh, the dream I had last night!
  • Philippe: You know, you don't have to go chasing old boyfriends around to find love, Emily.
  • Philippe: Sometimes it's right in front of you.
  • Emily: You read my letter?
  • Philippe: If you didn't want me to read it you shouldn't leave it out in the open.
  • Emily: It was in my jacket pocket!
  • Philippe: Which was out in the open. Au revoir, Emily.
  • Philippe leaves the diner.

Before the event

  • There was a rolling table rolled out of the diner.
  • Fresco: Oooh! I swear that cart has a mind of its own!
  • Emily: I'll keep an eye on it, don't worry.
  • Fresco: Be careful! It's devious, I tell you! Devious!

During the chase

  • Emily has to keep an eye on the cart.

After the chase

  • The cart stopped rolling.
  • Fresco: Good work! But it's only a matter of time before it breaks free again...
  • Fresco: I'll be ready next time, you hear me? I'll be ready!


  • Fresco opens the oven, and saw a box.
  • Fresco: Yuk, even cardboard would taste better.
  • Emily: Fresco, let me cook dinner for you tonight.
  • Fresco: For me? But you've already done so much!
  • Emily: Not at all! I owe you! Sit down and relax, I'll take care of everything.
  • Emily and Fresco are eating dinner. There was Philippe entered the diner.
  • Philippe thought to himself: After all I've done- giving her a place to sleep, everything! We'll see about this...
  • Philippe leaves the diner, giving Emily a place.

Day 4

  • Emily wakes up.
  • Emily: You're up early.
  • Philippe: I'm afraid I didn't sleep every well last night; food poisoning, you see.
  • Emily: Not from Fresco's kitchen?
  • Emily surprises and was scared.
  • Philippe: Where else? I'm writing up my report now... your boyfriend better finds a new line of work.
  • Emily: